Saturday, 20 May 2017

Today enterprises are challenged

Today enterprises are challenged by tectonic shifts in nearly every aspect of their businesses – economic, technology, demographic, and consumer preferences to name a few. To help them meet these challenges, organizations are adopting technology and automation solutions to enable best-in-class Business Process Management (BPM) outcomes. One technology gaining rapid favor is Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

RPA refers to automation which interacts with a computer centric process through the User Interface (UI) / user objects of the software application supporting that process. A robot is usually a runtime environment on which different processes/tasks can be executed. RPA can process structured and semi-structured data. Typical use cases include transaction processing, data entry in high volume, repeatable, and computer-centric processes, and in system upgrade scenarios where double and concurrent data entry into old and new systems during the period of change.

Opportunity Analysis

The last two years and is expected ultimately to impact 30-40 per cent of total BPM spend by 2025. There is good reason for this robust adoption – RPA has a lot to offer: cost reduction of 35-65 per cent for onshore process operations and 10-30 per cent in offshore delivery; improved service delivery in the form of process quality, speed, governance, security, and continuity; an investment recovery period as short as 6-9 months; and, a generally non-invasive, easy-to-manage nature.

Regulated industries with high-volume, transactional business processes offer the most potential for RPA. While there are over 200 RPA customers across the world, with the US and large enterprises leading the share, there is a competition strategy at play within the RPA supplier ecosystem consisting of BPM service providers, RPA technology vendors, and specialist technology integrators.

BPM service providers have built dedicated teams for RPA implementation and support. About 10-30% of the technology FTEs with BPS teams is dedicated for RPA. Almost 100% of RPA implementation is being managed by the service providers themselves. Service providers are also hosting solutions on their servers / cloud-environment for delivering better value to clients.
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